Online and Physical Inspection Facility

  • Entry Coil Inspection Through Barcode Scanning
  • Product Parameters

  • Online Equipment

  • Surface
  • Automatic Surface Inspection System
  • Online EquipmentAutomatic Surface Inspection System
  • Thickness
  • Thickness Gauge
  • Online EquipmentAutomatic Surface Inspection System
  • Width
  • Width Gauge
  • Online EquipmentAutomatic Surface Inspection System
  • Pin Hole
  • Pin Hole Detector
  • Online EquipmentAutomatic Surface Inspection System
  • Inner Diameter
  • Level - 3 Control
  • Online EquipmentAutomatic Surface Inspection System

Physical Inspection

  • Visual Inspection at Vertical
    Horizontal Station

  • Stroboscope

  • Online

  • Offline Stoning and
    Exit Inspection

  • RCL Slow Speed

  • Pre Packing