We believe that ethical behaviour is intrinsic to the way business is conducted. Integrity, transparency and accountability are the keystones for the business.
JCAPCPL has adopted the Tata Code of Conduct with the objectives of providing clarity to all its employees in their common pursuit of establishing ethics at its core.
The values and principles have been deployed through the implementation of the Tata Code of Conduct. This serves as a guide to each employee on the values, ethics and business principles expected of him or her in personal and professional conduct.
Ethics Counsellor reports directly to the Managing Director. All recorded concerns are reported to the Board.
Compliance to the Code is a condition of service for all employees and is also a pre-requisite for service for suppliers, contractors and vendors, who must agree to respect it. Compliance training and ethics awareness workshops are conducted at frequent intervals.
A number of systems and processes based on zero tolerance have been put into place to ensure that governance standards are met. These include Gift Policy, Whistle Blower Policy, ICC for addressing Sexual Harassment and its redressal.